Exmouth Wildflower Wardens
In 2021, Exmouth Wildlife Group organised a team of 12 volunteers to record wildflowers growing in public green spaces in Exmouth and on June 4th, 2021 a training day was held in Phear Park.
Mike Waller and Katy Ross, Devon County Council ecologists, talked about the main plant families and gave us many useful tips to help identify the wild plants we find.
Each new Warden was given a copy of Harrap’s Wild Flowers, a hand lens and other useful items such as a hi-viz vest for working near roads . Wardens have committed to each surveying at least one green space this Summer and there will also be some group events when we work together on bigger sites.
We hope the information gathered will be used to inform decisions about when and where the grass should be cut so as to maximise biodiversity and protect more unusual species such as orchids.
Many thanks to Devon County Council for providing the training at no cost to the Wildlife Group and huge thanks to Tim Dafforn of East Devon Countryside Team for supporting the project with funds for the equipment and books.
Areas surveyed by volunteers 2021
Click on the links below to see a list of wildflower species identified in each area
Redgates Playing Field-central grass area and hedgerows
Redgates Playing Field - southeastern bank
Map shows the areas surveyed in 2021
and the number of species identified in each area. Click on the map for a zoomable pdf
Click on the map for enlargeable/printable pdf
Click on the map for a zoomable/printable version

contact - exmouthwildlife@gmail.com