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Coral in my meadow?


This fungus has appeared in my "new" meadow seeded last Autumn. Although common, locally in some unimproved meadows, this is not widely distributed in northern Europe.I suspect it has turned up in my front lawn (meadow) as a result of spores transported with the wildflower seeds I purchased from Goren Farm, near Stockland.
Meadow Coral ( Clavulinopsis corniculata)

This fungus has appeared in my "new" meadow, seeded last Autumn. The spores have probably arrived in the seed mix from Goren Farm, near Stockland. That farm has a long history of meadow management, hence the probable reason why the fungus is in the seed bag. Meadow Coral is not distributed widely across the UK but is common in local pockets on unimproved grasslands.



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